1 vs 1, 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 & 2 vs 2 battles.Over 70 deeply customizable characters.It is the first Tenkaichi game to feature 1 vs 2, 2 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 battles, beside the general 1 vs 1. GameSpot awarded it a score of 6.0 out of 10, saying “Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team is just another DBZ fighting game, and makes little effort to distinguish itself from its predecessors.” Overview It is the third Dragon Ball Z game for the PlayStation Portable, and the fourth and final Dragon Ball series game to appear on said system. Requirements And Additional InformationGame Name:- DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team 2.Game Size:- 590MB.Original Develover:- BANDAI NAMCO ENTERTAINMENT.Mod By:- Onixstish YouTuber.Online:- No.Offline:- Yes.Android:- 5.1RAM:- 2GBProcessor:- 1.The game features high-impact two vs. Xem thêm: Len Do Ngo Khong Tank - Hướng Dẫn Chơi Ngộ Không Liên Quân Mobile Mùa 19 The Download link is given below.Then install PSP Emulator and open it.If you not see Permanent fix Menu so go to PSP system setting and select language America Latino and off fast memory unstable. How To Install Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team 2 PSP ISOThen Download ISO / Game.

Kicking and Punching.Ki Charge and Ki Blast.3 Attacks of every Characters.Shot Exchange and Blow Exchange.Flying and instant Transmission.Super Saiyan Transformations. Xem thêm: Ánh Sáng Trắng Là Gì ? Kể Một Số Nguồn Phát Ánh Sáng Trắng Ánh Sáng Trắng Và Các Phương Pháp Tạo Ra Nó The Gameplay of DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team 2 ISO same as DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team with some difference like Attacks, Battle Grounds and combos.

You will see Gogeta Blue with Real Anime attacks like Movie.DBZ Broly And DBS Broly with All Forms.Frieza all forms Base to Golden Frieza.More DBZ Characters Krillin, Piccolo Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Tien, Videl, Bardock, Cell, Androids, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, Buu, Gotenks and Janemba.More DBS Characters Jiren Base to Full Power, Kefla Base to Legendary Super Saiyan, Caulifla Base to SSJ2, Kale Base to Legendary Super Saiyan, Zamasu, Fused Zamasu and Black Goku base to Rose, Vegito Base to Blue.GT Characters Omega Shenron, Android 17 Fusion. You will also see future Gohan Base form and Super Saiyan form with BT3 attacks.DBZ Trunks Kid and future, DBS Trunks Base to SSJ Rage.Gogeta DBS with All Forms and GT Gogeta SSJ4. You will also see Vegeta perfect Ozaru Form like BT3.Gohan Kid, Teen Adult and Ultimate.

DBS Vegeta Base to SSB Evolution, GT Vegeta Base to SSJ4 and Baby Vegeta all forms. DBGT Goku with Base to SSJ4.Vegeta Saiyan Saga and Buu Saga. Goku Frieza Saga and Buu Saga, Armor Goku base and SSJ, DBS Goku Base to Mastered Ultra Instinct. In this DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team 2 Mod you will see Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super and Dragon Ball GT Characters with BT3 Attacks.